15 October 2009


I have been totally stayin' busy with every day grind; school, work, hoops, photography and now this Benefit concert for the typhoon victims of Ondoy in the Philippines. Many people talk about the disaster, I got a phone call from my grandparents in New York and broke the bad news that my uncle and aunt back in the motherland lost their house. The day after I got a call from a friend of mine, Sonny Hassan, told me about this idea, then we branched out to our close friends Faith and Jean and the rest was history. We are presenting this concert as a symbol of gratitude and helping hands.

ARTS|relief|09: Ondoy Benefit
When: NOV. 6, 2006
Time: Doors OPEN @ 5:30p
Where: 3009 Vine St. Riverside, CA 92507

Special Musical Perfomances by:
- AJ Rafael
- RuSoul
- Dogs of Ire
- Perrla
- Adrian William Project
- Cathy Nguyen
+ many more!

Art Exhibit (featuring):
- Audible Soul
- Wellington
+ many more!

PRE-SALE tickets:
-$5 (limited time!)
-$7-(limited supply!)
-$10-AT-THE-DOOR tickets
-To Buy Tickets Online [ www.tinyurl.com/artsreliefbenefit09 ]

DONATIONS also accepted:
- Canned goods
- Blankets
- Clothing
- Funds

- American Red Cross
- ForEx
- Radio Manila
- Starbucks
+ many more!

- please call: Sonny Hassan, 818/481.0496

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